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Summer Evening
Michael Alexander Willens Conductor (USA)
Rosanne van Sandwijk mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands)
Kodály / Summer Evening
Johann Adolph Hasse / Salve Regina in A Major
Haydn / Arianna a Naxos
Bartok / Divertimento

Concert Dates
- 11MayMay
2016SunSunday 20:00Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of ArtPast event - 33MayMay
2016TueTuesday 20:00Jerusalem: Henry Crown HallPast event - 66MayMay
2016FriFriday 13:00Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of ArtPast event - 77MayMay
2016SatSaturday 21:00Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of ArtPast event - 88MayMay
2016SunSunday 20:00Rehovot: Michael Sela Auditorium, Weizmann institute of SciencePast event