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The Human Voice
A vocal series of 8 concerts with choirs and soloists from Israel and from abroad.
The Earth Was Formless and Void
Haydn's Creation with soloists and choir from abroad
Sing to the Lord a New Song
A concert with the german mezzo-soprano Franziska Gottwald
Fantasy of a New Life
A concert with the british condutor Paul Goodwin and the british tenor Robert Murray
The Bach Dynasty
An evening with the Bach dynasty conducted by the german conductor Reinhard Goebel
Mozart and More
A concert with german soprano Ruth Ziesak
The Great Supper
Bach's Easter Oratorio and Cantata no. 11 side by side with a world premiere work by Ziv Cojocaru
North and East
Tapiola Children's Choir is back again
Corners of the World
A concert with norwegian soprano Marita Sølberg and english pianist Mark Bebbington